Some Pet Sitters are safe, but no, not all Pet Sitters are safe. There are 5 things you need to be mindful of. Don’t make these assumption mistakes.
Payment: Escrow services allow payments to be ‘held’ until both parties involved are content with the outcome of a given event.
Compatibility: Your pet’s compatibility with the Sitter’s pets or other guest pets, compatibility with the Sitter, and compatibility with the Sitter’s property and whether it's escape-proof and hazard-free.
Insurance: Insurance protects your wallet in the event that a pet accident occurs due to the fault of the Pet Sitter, and the pet requires an Emergency Vet, costing tens of thousands of dollars. Unplanned large debt can set you back financially for years.
Honesty: Police checks will help, along with reviews on an independent site about them will help you determine whether or not they have a track record in reliability.
Contract: Marketplaces like PetCloud enable Pet Owners to book Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers with an online booking agreement created for you.