Are there animal welfare and safety rules Pet Sitters need to abide by?
Yes. We uphold the RSPCA's 5 freedoms of animal welfare:
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst.
- Freedom from Discomfort.
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease.
- Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour.
- Freedom from Fear and Distress.
Sitters found to breach these values will be prosecuted. When a pet is booked with you, you have a duty of care. Duty of care places a legal obligation on those in charge of animals to provide for an animal's needs in an appropriate way. The Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 includes a specific offence for people who fail to meet their duty of care obligations towards the animals in their charge. The maximum penalty for an individual convicted of a breach of duty of care is $36,570 or 1 year imprisonment.
For example;
- Never leave a dog in a car
- Never walk a dog unleashed
- Never take a dog on heat out in public.
- Never take a guest pet to an off leash dog park as these parks are unpredictable and are well known for fights breaking out.
- Never drive with a dog on your lap
- Never leave a dog outside in the hot sun with no shade or water
- Never leave a dog harness on longer than the journey its being used for
- Always use positive reinforcement through reward and never hit, choke, drag, torment, deafen or shock a dog to discipline them. Using citronella or ultrasonic bark collars are also not condoned.
- Always seek medical attention for disease or injury
- Twice a day always feed and water a pet
- Don't force pets to endure fireworks and loud carnivals if it makes them terrified.
- Don't place pets in cages too small for them - EVEN if you are asked to by their Owner. Just say no. You have our full support.
Please also read House & Garden Dangers