Are there any Clients PetCloud does not accept?

Are there any Clients PetCloud does not accept?

We love pets and the Sitters in our network! So their safety and happiness is of the utmost importance to us.

So if a Pet Owner Client:

  1. Has a filthy home or are a hoarder and want a House Sitter to come and stay to look after their pets - No sorry. Our Sitters have the right to turn a job down a job that may be hazardous to their health and safety.
  2. Own Aggressive dogs - This situation can only lead to catastrophe and possibly injury. We will not take the job on and suggest you contact a dog behaviourist.
  3. Want our Pet Sitters to mind a pet in a way that is cruel - No sorry.  If you want our Sitters to keep your dog in a cage for 8 hours a day every day sitting in it's own faeces - we won't allow this. Refer to the 5 freedoms below.
  4. Own dogs that suffer from severe cases of anxiety and destruction - No sorry. We will not take the job on and suggest you contact a dog behaviourist.
  5. Choose to not disclose usual routine patterns or escape tendencies ie Booking a Sitter with a work schedule that is different to what your pet is used to (ie if the Sitter works during the day elsewhere) can lead to the pet becoming anxious and escaping or destroying the house.
  6. Doesn't want to do a Meet & Greet - Then the Sitter can decline the booking.  Meet & Greets are a crucial part of successful pet sitting bookings and are a way to spot potential hazards or compatibility issues between pets or between sitters and pets. Sitters are under no obligation to proceed with a booking if after the Meet & Greet they felt it was not a good match. Meet & Greets are also a chance for Sitters to ask about the behavioural and medical history of the pet to assess whether they have the skills, capability, and expertise to take the pet on and meet its care requirements. This is why Meet & Greets are necessary, so please don't skip them as they are a sure way to a pet sitting disaster.

The RSPCA considers that an animal's welfare should be considered in terms of 5 freedoms:

  • Freedom from Hunger and Thirst.
  • Freedom from Discomfort.
  • Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease.
  • Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour.
  • Freedom from Fear and Distress.

Read more: 

How can I be a more assertive Pet Sitter or House Sitter?

When Should I Turn Down A Pet Sitting Job?