PetCloud | Can I be paid in cash?

Can I be paid in cash?

No - but its for your financial protection and the visiting pet's protection. 

If a Pet Owner asks if they can pay in cash simply say "No thank you - It puts both of us at risk by voiding insurance coverage so any requests I will politely decline."

The benefit of Pet Owners booking you through PetCloud, means:

1. You won't be out of pocket for over $16,000 in emergency Vet Bills.  Have a visiting pet that is insured with our third party insurance so that (for example) in the instance of them swallowing an object during a pet stay, and they need emergency surgery, the Vet Bill could be up to $16,000.  This would normally come out of your pocket, but instead, PetCloud's insurer will cover the Vet Bill if it is an approved claim.  We pay thousands of dollars annually in insurance to protect pets with insurance cover when they stay with a Pet Sitter. 

2. You can claim Tax Deductable Expenses - Here are some examples of tax deductable expenses you may be able to claim as a Pet Sitter. It also means people can't report you to the Australian Taxation Office for Tax Evasion. 

3. Will have a written legal agreement between you and the Owner with the services and dates you agree to provide. So if there are any disagreements with what was booked and the dates and times booked, you can always refer back to the booking.

4. Will be paid into a third party escrow account, and released at the end of the stay. If there is a disagreement with the services provided our Customer Support Team will neutrally get involved to hear both sides of the incident.

5. Will receive excellent training to give you confidence. We have taken time to create an online Pet Sitting and Dog Walking course in collaboration with RSPCA Vets to help you minimise the risk of loss or harm to pets in care. It also helps you understand council laws, Boarding codes of practice, personal safety, has marketing tips and more.

6. Receive Customer Service Support during the stay.  When pets stay with a PetCloud Sitter, Sitters are supported by our Customer Service team who actively help throughout the stay with any questions or advice if a tricky or unexpected situation arises.

7. Be helping to support the RSPCA's Animal Welfare work - Yes!  We are a national corporate supporter of RSPCA. Asking to be paid in cash means we won't be able to pass on vital funds needed to support the animal rescue work our RSPCA Partners do.

8. Have your own online listing which is marketed across various channels to get you jobs.  Our team works hard (just like you) and pays for advertising to connect you to Pet job opportunities and also do website and app development to bring you faster and better ways to connect to Pets and their Owners all the time. If you want more work, tell us.

All members agree to the terms and conditions on our website upon joining up under section 23: PetCloud's Pet Owner client base remains the property of PetCloud.

PetCloud is not a once-off lead referral service for independent Pet Sitters or Walkers.   Subsequent bookings must continue to be booked via the PetCloud website each time.   We will not work with Pet Owners and Pet Sitters who do not abide by our rules and we will deactivate both accounts if subsequent bookings do not occur via the platform.