Definitions of Pet Sitting, Dog Boarding, House Sitting services on PetCloud

Definitions of Pet Sitting, Dog Boarding, House Sitting services on PetCloud

Pet Sitting - means day and night boarding of a pet at the sitter's own residence. Great service for Dogs who tend to be pack animals.

Home Visits - means where a Sitter drives over to the Pet Owners house, lets themselves in with a key, and feeds and waters and changes their kitty litter.  This is a great service for cats if an Owner is away for a week.

House Sitting - means staying and caring for one or more pets at the Pet Owner's House for a period of time. Great for Owner's of hobby farms, properties with plants and pools, and owners of large and/or multiple animals. Typically the Owner makes up a spare guest bedroom with fresh sheets and pillows.

Doggy Day Care - caring for the dog at the pet sitter's residence during the day only. Typically the pet gets dropped off in the morning by the Owner around 9am and picked up the same day at around 4 or 5pm

Cat Sitting - Cat care and boarding at a Pet Sitter's own residence (day and night).  They may have a cat enclosure or secure property with fly screens so cats can't escape.

Dog Sitting / Dog Boarding - caring for the dog by boarding at the Sitter's own residence (day and night).