What do I tell Pet Owners who want a Discount on Prices?

What do I tell Pet Owners who want a Discount on Prices?

If you want some examples of how to communicate your value to Pet Owners, and turn down the low value ones, here are some:

Say "Sorry, but the price I offered is the best value." Stand your ground without getting defensive or forceful, even if the customer insists.

Or “I don’t currently have any discounts available, but I totally understand feeling like you’re not in a position to make this kind of investment right now. I’ll be here when you’re ready.”

Or "I am a Professionally Accredited, Insured, Police checked Dog Walker, which is why I'm in demand, and have many 5 star reviews on my PetCloud listing. There is a major difference between the care your dog will receive from a Professional Dog Walker, and I am worth every cent for my time."  

Tip: Order some custom business cards and place them around your neighbourhood, Vets, Groomers, and Cafe's to attract high-value clients.

Why we set minimum floor prices on your listing.  
  1. There are 2 parties to consider: You and PetCloud.  Your job is not to take on every Pet Owner who approaches you and asks you for a discount.  You need to say NO to low value jobs. 
  1. Your time is valuable, and PetCloud's staff time and tools, not just Pet Owner's time.  We are not a charity.  The app and website that you use costs tens of thousands to create. 
  1. We pay thousands of dollars every year in web and app hosting fees.  Annual insurance we pay for to cover you, costs tens of thousands of dollars every year.
  1. You raising Support Inquiries to our team costs money as we have to pay staff wages to respond to your inquiries. This is all part and parcel of running a business.
  2. When you learn how much your TIME is WORTH to someone who has NONE - You'll stop giving people discounts.