How can I make a direct inquiry with a Pet Sitter for a recurring booking?

How can I make a direct inquiry with a Pet Sitter for a recurring booking?

Contact your Pet Sitter directly

  • Go to and click on “Log in” on the top right corner

  • Type the suburb in the location search box to find sitters in your area. if you directly click on search, your default location will be taken from your profile.

  • Locate the sitters with badges i.e. Police checked, last minute booking, also a pet owner etc.

Click on Check Availability

  • Click on Send an Instant message or Request Meet and Greet. Here, You can see the sitter's listed price for various services

  • Select the service(s), booking type as Recurring and days you need this service for, use Custom to select the days of your choice and dates.

  • Click on view price, review the price and click on send an instant SMS to Sitter. You will be notified by messages and notifications once sitter accepts it

  • Click on Messages and select the booking

  • Click on Authorise Card (Green button)

Authorise the payment for 2 weeks only, the card has not been charged just yet.

Unlike time-consuming refund process, we follow a simplified authorization process. An Authorization places a hold on the credit card provided for the specified booking amount. This means the amount is still in your card making it easy to simply cancel the hold, should the booking not proceed. The uncaptured charge remains valid only for 7 days.

  • Suggest up to three dates for meet and greet, at any point you can click on Confirm this booking

A confirmed booking will show the countdown timer with the message, “Your booking is good to go”. This will also show on your Dashboard in the Upcoming Booking section.

You have full control on your bookings, You can decline a booking before a "meet and greet" is requested or Cancel a confirmed booking after meet and greet.