PetCloud | How to update your Availability on your Calendar

How do I show Pet Owners dates I am available or unavailable ?

Your Calendar in your Listing shows your Availability to Pet Owners and to the PetCloud team.  

Block out Dates you're not Available - If you are unavailable on a certain date, you can block out the dates on your calendar by selecting the date to block it out and clicking the Save button on the bottom right hand side.
Add your Operating Days (in your calendar settings) tell Pet Owners when you are generally available for inquiries about recurring jobs. 
Volume of Enquiries tells our PetCloud team the Volume of work you want.
Having a break and switching Away mode to ON means you are having a break from Pet Sitting and don't want enquiries.
Repeat Customers only - makes ti so that new customers can't contact you, and only existing customers can rebook you.

PetCloud's Marketing Team needs to understand your capacity to take on work every 2 weeks so that we can plan our marketing activities accordingly.  
So we ask you every 2 weeks to confirm [Calendar is up to date] by clicking the button.

Your Calendar shows your Availability and Operating days