How Does PetCloud Work for Pet Owners?

How does PetCloud work for Pet Owners?

You might be wondering what the process is for Pet Owners joining PetCloud.

Here's a helpful video to watch how the Meet & Greet process works
1. Sign Up
Sign Up via the website or download the PetCloud App

2. Create your Profile

3. Create your Pet’s Profile

4. Search Sitters or Post a Job

There are 2 ways to connect with a Police checked Pet Carer. 

5. Meet at the proposed place of care 

Request a property tour inside and outside.

Check for hazards or escape routes & solve together.
Use the RSPCA Property Checklist to guide you.

6. PAY: Pay into PetCloud’s escrow prior to the booking start.
Was it a good match? If so, it is the Sitter's responsibility
to display the Payment button to you in the message thread
in your PetCloud inbox. If you don't see it, it could be displayed
in the History of the Message thread OR, the Sitter could be a
little slow to do it, or they didn't feel there was enough
compatibility, or they felt they couldn't meet your expectations.
Best to message them via PetCloud to ask them to
display the payment button to you. Until payment is made -
a booking is not confirmed & other Pet Owners are entitled to book the Sitter.

7. On the booking Start date - Pack a bag of food, bones & toys
for your Pet & take them to the proposed location

(At the Sitters home or welcome the Sitter at your home)

8. The Service takes place
You’ll receive daily photo updates to the PetCloud App.

9. The Booking Ends. Pick up your Pet. Rate & Review the Sitter.
You will see a button in your booking
message thread on PetCloud once the
booking is complete.

10. PetCloud releases funds to the Sitter.
The end.

What if after a Meet & Greet one of us feels like its not a good match and the booking shouldn't go ahead?
  • Don't worry, sometimes that can happen. We want you to feel confident that your chosen Sitter and their property is a good fit for your pet/s.  If the Pet Owner and the Pet Sitter have met up and they don't feel like its a good match for any reason, either party can give feedback to PetCloud by cancelling the booking.
  • Pet Owners can then either inquire with another Sitter in their suburb OR can Post a job and available sitters will apply.