How does PetCloud work for Pet Sitters?

How does PetCloud work for Pet Sitters?

You might be wondering what the process is for joining PetCloud.

  1. Sign Up

  2. Verify Phone & Email

  3. Create Profile, upload photo

  4. Upload or undertake a Police check

  5. Create a Listing with a Description, Photos, Services & Prices, Block out any dates you aren't available on your Calendar. Tell us the volume of work you want, and the service area you want.

  6. Connect your listing to Stripe to receive secure payouts

  7. Take Training - this training will help to reduce your risk of negligence

Let us know once your training is complete and we will share your listing across all our social media channels!

  1. Respond to Booking inquiries by Approving or Declining

  2. View Jobs

  3. Apply to Jobs

  4. Get Paid

Here's a helpful video to watch how the Meet & Greet process works

1. Sign Up
Sign Up via the PetCloud website or download the
PetCloud App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

2. Create your Profile & Upload Police Check

Create a Profile and upload your Police check

from our partner.

3. Add your Payout Bank details
So PetCloud can pay you at the end of bookings. 

4. Get Qualified with Training

5. List Services, Prices, Availability & Photos 

6. Share your PetCloud Listing URL across Social Media, 

& with Friends, Family, and Colleagues.

7. View Pet Jobs on our Pet Jobs Board

& Apply to jobs

8. Receive Inquiries or Job application approvals in your PetCloud inbox
Respond with Decline or Accept & then Request for a Meet & Greet 

9. Meet & Greet at the proposed place of care -

If it's your home, offer a property tour inside and outside.

Check for hazards or escape routes & solve together.
Use the RSPCA Property Checklist to guide you.

10. Did you feel you and the Pet were compatible?
Did you feel you could meet the Pet Owners expectations?
If so, tap the Pre-Approval button to display the Payment button to
Pet Owners so they can pay via PetCloud's escrow before the booking begins.
This way, your finances are protected against large Vet bills in the event
of a Pet Accident or Illness if you were at fault.

11. Care for Pets, Send Daily Photo updates

via the PetCloud App or Website

12. Get reviewed, rated & paid
through PetCloud into your Wallet.
Well done! You have just done your first job!

Please ensure you familiarise yourself with how display the Payment link to Pet Owners to make a Payment before the Stay begins.  
Thanks to RSPCA experts, PetCloud's Training Academy is the best in the industry and is critical you complete this.

The Date of your Service / Pet Stay rolls around...

Welcome the Pet Owner & their Beloved Pet by their Names.  The Pet Owner will arrive with their Pet & their Pet's bedding, leash, collar, toys, parasite control, food for the duration of the stay plus 2 extra days just in case.

At the End of the Stay

The Pet Owner will be automatically SMSed by PetCloud when its time to pick up their pet.

Get Reviewed & Rated

The Pet Owner will rate and review you on your listing based on the standard of care you provided, whether you were responsive and quick to communicate and consistently provided daily photo updates, whether you were resourceful in solving minor problems, and whether you were diligent in putting pride into your work and doing the job properly, the first time.