How to Create a Listing on PetCloud?

How to Create a Listing on PetCloud?

Listings are created by Pet Sitters and tell Pet Owners what pet care services you offer, the prices you offer them at, your pet type preferences, and your availability.   

Some ideas:
  1. Who are you?
  2. What kind of care do you offer?
  3. What makes you a great pet sitter, doggy day carer or dog walker?
  4. What experience do you have?
Please note: Any references to your business name, other websites or social media will result in your listing being deactivated permanently

  1. Before you create a Sitter Listing on PetCloud, you first need to Create a Profile
  2. You also need to complete Verifications first

Payout Preferences

Create your Listing by filling out all the fields and click Save.