Pet Professionals | I am a Pet Sitter what safety measures should I follow?

I am a Pet Sitter what safety and security measures should I follow?

  1. Don’t meet Pet Owners who don’t have a clear profile picture.
  2. Ask Pet Owners who else will have access to their homes during their absence.
  3. Find and use safe routes for dog walking.
  1. If you are uncomfortable during your first visit with a customer, don’t take the job.
  1. Always carry a fully charged mobile phone with you when working.
  2. Leave an outside light on so evening visits are well lit.
  3. Carry an alarm or whistle for emergencies.
  4. Lock the door behind you when you visit a customer’s home.
  5. Always call the dog’s name before entering the home so they aren’t surprised or frightened. A few dog treats in your pocket always help!
  6. If you have a Meet & Greet with a new Pet Owner Client at their home or yours, try to arrange in daylight hours, and always tell a friend, family member or neighbour.
  7. Don't accept cash, it doesn't leave a trail as to how much you got paid, the date you got paid, and who paid you and can lead you to getting ripped off or blackmailed with being reported to the ATO for Tax evasion if you accept cash.
  8. Know what a dangerous dog breeds are banned from being minded on PetCloud.
  9. Sanitise your hands to avoid contracting a zoonosis (contagious disease from an animal)