I rent. Can I be a Pet Sitter?

I rent. Can I be a Pet Sitter?

We recommend you read the Tenants’ guide to renting with pets and if you live in Victoria, Reforms for Pets in rental property

If you haven't asked your landlord and had approval, you should NOT list in-home pet sitting services on PetCloud. 

You can instead offer out of home services such as house sitting, home visits, pet taxi, or dog walking.

Why not pet sitting in my rental home?  Guest Pets have the potential to be noisy (barking/howling), destructive (scratching at doors and walls and curtains), and make messes (stains on carpet) and you may lose your bond over it or even be evicted for breaking your tenancy agreement.

We also may request a rates notice proving that you own own the property and if not, proof that you have gotten consent from the landlord through your rental management company. 

If you live in Victoria, you must also have a permit from Council to offer pet sitting from home and you must provide us with the permit. 

But - if you HAVE run it past your landlord or rental agency, and they have given you written approval, then yes! 

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What prices should I charge for my services?

I own an Apartment or Townhouse. Can I be a Pet Sitter?

Reforms for Pets in rental properties

We strongly recommend taking our Online Pet Sitting Course, created with the help of RSPCA Senior Vets