PetCloud | Is a 'Meet & Greet' important before a booking?

Is a 'Meet & Greet' important before a pet stay begins?

Yes.  Meet & Greets play a critical part of the process before a pet stay takes place and should be done at least 2 weeks ahead of your pet's stay. This way, if you don't feel it's a good match, you will have enough time to line up a Meet & Greet with another Sitter who might be a better match - So don't leave meeting your Sitter until the last minute.  The Meet & Greet provides the perfect opportunity for you and your pet to get to know your potential Sitter, their pets, and family members, how secure and clean their home is, and determine if a pet stay or dog walk is a good fit. 

You need to ensure that the Sitter's backyard meets the RSPCA property checklist and do a full property tour together to ensure it will be escape proof.

You can go over your Pet's Profile, Care requirements, Medical and Behavioural History.

Pet's care routine and property check together


If the sitter is staying at your place, then it's important for you to know that you are comfortable with them staying at your place

Watch: Dr Glen Richards from hit tv show Shark Tank Australia give some good advice when it talks about discussing care expectations and the Sitters schedule and experience.