Pet Professionals | Is there an age requirement to sign up as a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker?

Is there an age requirement to sign up as a Pet Sitter or Dog Walker?

Yes there is. We do not allow any pet sitters who are under 18 to have their own account. You can however create a shared account with a Parent or guardian over 18 years old.  In Australia, someone is legally considered a minor and is not deemed a responsible adult in the eyes of the law, until they turn 18.

Why do I need to be 18 years old to join PetCloud?

1. Internet Safety  

You need to have the brain of an adult to make wise decisions and to know how to listen to your gut to avoid unsafe situations, or know if someone is lying.  Some children don't fully develop that sense of gut feeling and listening to it until they are much older.  We are a large scale, national, internet-based website dealing with client Pet Owners who are not police checked.  

2. Having an open Drivers license and access a Car to drive the pet to the Vet for any emergency situations that arise

If a guest pet is stung by a bee and have an allergic reaction and need rushing to the Vet.  Or being strong enough and acting fast to avoid dog attacks if another off leash big dog aggressively walks up to the dog in your care if you are out on a dog walk.

3. Money to pay for Mistakes or Accidents and Vet Bills.

Most Children who havent worked yet will not have any money to afford to pay the excess fee required if a Pet Owner makes an insurance claim.

Got a Parent or Guardian over 18+ who is happy to take on responsibility?

If you are under 18 and you are able to have one of your parents willing become a part of your profile, then we can let you create a shared pet sitter or dog walker account.  

As an example, we have a pet sitter who shares her profile with her Mum. Her must must be present at every single Meet and Greet. Her Mum takes ownership of their shared listing on PetCloud, communicates with clients, and takes full responsibility to act for any emergency situations that arise, such as driving a car to rush a pet to a Vet.

To create a joint pet sitter account on PetCloud, add one of your parents to your Headline in your Basic Profile; AND in your profile photo.  Explain you are a team, by writing about having your parent vouch for you in Your Story, in that same Basic Profile section;  Ask your parent to upload of their Driver's Licence or Passport under the Verifications section so we can add a badge to your profile saying ID has been provided.

It is mandatory for all Sitters and Walkers to take our Accredited Online Animal Care Course, created with the help of RSPCA Senior Vets.