PetCloud | Mobile Verification

Mobile Verification

Why do Mobile Verification?

  • Adding your mobile phone number allows you to access the PetCloud platform and connect with Pet Owners for phone calls and SMS text messaging.

When does Mobile Verification Occur?

  • At the point of creating your PetCloud Profile.  
  • When you create a PetCloud account or change your phone number, we'll ask you to confirm your phone number.

How do I do Mobile Verification?

  • You'll receive a text message with a 6 digit mobile verification code.  Type the code into the Verification screen on the app or website when prompted.


1. Your phone number may be entered incorrectly. Edit your phone number and tap "Resend" on the verification screen to ask for a new code.

2. Your mobile carrier may be blocking the short code SMS that PetCloud uses to contact you. Please contact your mobile provider to confirm that short code SMS is enabled for your mobile account

If you still haven't received a verification SMS after checking both of these, please contact us