Special Needs Pet Care

Special Needs Pet Care

  1. Do you have an incontinent dog that wears nappies that need changing frequently? 
  2. What about care for a puppy or kitten that needs time and patience (and a lot of cleaning) spent toilet training and socialisation?   
  3. What about a formerly abused rescue dog with high anxiety that needs coaxing and rewarding during walks to get their confidence to return? 
  4. What about a Dachshund with hip dysplasia that can't go up stairs? 
  5. How about a diabetic dog that requires injections twice daily? 
  6. What about if you have a high energy dog breed that needs training, and high fencing?
  7. What about a cat that needs daily oral medication?
  8. What about a Senior Dog with Dementia who can't be around younger pets?
  9. What about a recently desexed pet that needs post operative care and 24hr supervision?
You'll be able to find a sitter with PetCloud's advanced search filter who has the experience to manage this. Special skills that demonstrate experience and knowledge may cost a little extra, but the peace of mind gained through a quality experience by far outweighs the cost.

If you have any questions or would like our help in finding the perfect match for your pet, please email us with any specific details in a carer you are looking for.