There are standards and guidelines you need to adhere to when you offer a Pet Taxi service using your own car through PetCloud.
Transport of Animals Standards
• Animals must be transported in a timely manner with a driver suitably trained to handle the animals being transported. Where more than one animal is to be transported, vehicles used for the transport of animals
must have provision for non-compatible animals.
• Non-compatible animals must be physically separated and restrained or individually enclosed by compartment or cage.
• The design of the compartment/cage must be both escape-proof and prevent the protrusion of head and/or
limbs of any animal carried. Enclosures must be appropriate for the species being transported.
• The compartment/cage must be constructed of impervious materials and a design that allows for effective cleaning and disinfection.
• The compartment/cage must be weatherproof and adequately ventilated when the vehicle is both in motion and stationary.
• The animal area must maintain a temperature range between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius at all times.
• Cats must be individually caged with the exception of queens with kittens who may be caged together where the cage is sufficiently large enough for all the cats to lie comfortably.
• No animal may be transported in the boot of a sedan.
• Dogs must not be transported in the cabin of an animal transport vehicle.
• Business animal transport vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected after each delivery of animals.
• On road trips of more than two (2) hours duration, adequate stops should be made to allow dogs and cats the
opportunity to exercise, eat, drink, urinate and defecate where appropriate and for enclosures to be cleaned where necessary.
• Animals transported by air must comply with IATA's Live Animals Regulations (LAR), the worldwide standard for transporting live animals by commercial airlines. The objective of the LAR is to ensure all animals are
transported safely and humanely by air. The 41st edition of the regulations came into effect on 1 January 2015.
Transport of Animals Guidelines
• Containers used for birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs and reptiles should be appropriate to their species and
should maintain temperature conditions required for each individual species.
• Containers used for dog and cat transport should provide adequate light and ventilation.
• Containers regularly used for transporting dogs and cats should:
o Protect animals from injury and be free from protrusions or sharp edges in the carrying area
o Provide easy access and safe access for handlers
o Protect against unauthorised release or escape of the animals
o Be easy to clean and disinfect and have non-slip floors
o Be fitted with an operational air conditioning system to the section of the vehicle where the animals are
Note: The driver of the transport vehicle is the person in charge and therefore responsible for the welfare of the animals in the vehicle during transportation.
You must:
In addition to a police background check, you must have:
Required documents
Before hitting the road, you will need to upload the following documents to your Verifications screen
Add Distance Willing to Travel to your Listing
Add your Prices to your Services page
You can't have pets on your lap while you're driving. Read blog article: Do pets need to be restrained when travelling in the car?
Watch: Travelling with Pets in the Car
Read more:
What are the laws around transporting Pets in cars?
What is the RSPCA Policy around Pet Restraint and Carriers for Transport?
What are some examples of safe Pet Transport Carriers?