Pet Professionals | What does a Pet Sitter do?

What does a Pet Sitter do?

Daily, you need to:

  1. Take daily photos of the pet and provide a short summary to the Pet Owner and upload via your PetCloud messages.
  2. Do full daily body checks, paw, and teeth checks by running your hands all over the pet to check for lumps, ticks, or minor cuts
  3. Respond to any questions from the Pet Owner promptly
  4. Clean pet bowls daily
  5. Top up food and water daily (sometimes twice a day)
  6. Brush pets daily and pat, cuddle, and play with them
  7. Vacuum or Sweep up any mess daily.
  8. Clean Litter Boxes and Replace Puppy pads daily
  9. Put any soiled blankets in washing machine or tub and tell the pet owner.
  10. If the Pet Owner booked you to take their dog for walks, take them for walks.

You MUST report to the Pet Owner any animals showing any of the following symptoms:

  • runny nose
  • runny or inflamed eyes
  • repeated sneezing
  • coughing
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea, especially if bloodstained
  • lameness
  • inability to stand or walk
  • bleeding or swelling of body parts
  • weight loss
  • lack of appetite
  • apparent pain
  • fits or staggering
  • bloating of abdomen
  • difficulty or inability to urinate or defecate
  • red or brown coloured urine
  • any other serious physical or behaviour abnormality

Mandatory Pet Care Course

Understand the standard of care expected by the RSPCA. Take the PetCloud Pet Care course now.

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