What are signs of a Pet Emergency?

What are signs of a Pet Emergency?

  1. Difficulty breathing, blue tongue or raspy breath sounds
  2. Swollen or distended abdomen, with or without productive vomiting
  3. Inability to urinate or defecate, especially if straining. (Cats may repeatedly go to the litter box, lick at the genital area, and/or vocalise)
  4. Ingestion of toxin, including but not limited to: chocolate, rodenticides (mouse and rat bait), garden pest control products (snail baits), prescription, over the counter or illegal drugs, and household cleaners. PLEASE BRING THE CONTAINER WITH YOU!
  5. Trauma such as being hit by a car, a fall from a height or a blunt force, even if the animal is NOT showing any ill effects!
  6. Collapse/inability to stand or walk
  7. Loss of balance or consciousness, convulsions or seizure activity
  8. Penetrating wound, such as bite wounds (dog or cat), gunshot or stab wounds.
  9. Bleeding that does not stop. (Apply pressure with a clean cloth while on your way)
  10. Vomiting or diarrhoea with blood
  11. Heatstroke:  heavy panting, weakness on a warm day
  12. Exposure to snakes or ticks
Any of these? Then Google search your nearest Emergency Vet, phone them, and stay calm. If you can't get through on their phone - you will need to take the pet and drive there ASAP.