PetCloud | What does my schedule and hours look like each week?

What does my schedule and hours look like each week?

On PetCloud you only take on the jobs you want to work.  You are not obligated to work a minimum number of hours per week - you're the boss! Depending on your desired hours, and volume of work, there are a few different scheduling possibilities in your Calendar Settings.  You can also specify which days of the Week you Operate.

Full Time - Pets are my life!
Part Time - Week days only
Part Time - Friday nights & Weekends only
Casual - Sporadic

You may wish to create a mixed schedule of Day Care, Pet Sitting, Home Visits, and Dog Walking Jobs. For example:
  1. 5am - Get up. Take care of pet sitting guests who are staying with you while their owner is away.
  2. 5:45am - Leave the house.  Take care of pet home visits between 6-8 am.
  3. Come home again. Tend to any pet sitting pet guests.
  4. 10:15am - Leave again. Walk dogs between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm.
  5. Come home again. Tend to any pet sitting pet guests.
  6. 6-7pm - Leave again.  Tend to evening pet home visits.
  7. Come home again. Tend to any pet sitting pet guests.
Full-time Dog Walker Jobs – If your aim is to work full-time (40 hours a week), you will need to organise your schedule to maximise the number of dogs you service and the number of walks you can do in a day and also consider travel time between walks. An 8-hour work day could breakdown 7 x 30-minute dog walks a day with 30 minutes of travel time between each walk, plus 1-hour of breaks for lunch/bathroom/rest. You’ll also be getting a lot of exercise, too, so be prepared with food/drink and comfy shoes and sun protection.  You'll also need to factor into your schedule time for Meet & Greets for new Clients and their dogs.

Full-time Doggy Day Care Jobs at Home – 
7.30 – 8.00 – Pet is Dropped off by Owner
8.00 – 10.00 – Morning walk
10.00 – 12.00 – Well-being checks
12.00 – 2.00 – Doggy Naps
2.00 – 4.00 – Mix of structured play & free time
4.00 – 5.45 – Rest and brushing

Part-time Dog Walker Jobs – To match the schedule of Pet Owners, some Dog Walkers only work 3 days per week when they’re needed. To make the most of this type of schedule, you’ll want to try to group Pet Owner Clients all on the same days of the week, which can get complicated. Other part-time dog walkers are okay with a sporadic schedule throughout the week.

Part-time Doggy Day Care Jobs – To match the schedule of Pet Owners, some Doggy Day Carers only work 3 days per week when they’re needed. To make the most of this type of schedule, you’ll want to try to group Pet Owner Clients all on the same days of the week.

Special needs pet sitting Jobs – Elderly, disabled, or sick pets may require constant attention during the day while their owners are working. For these types of jobs, you may need to stay in the Owner’s home and administer vaccinations or medicine, tend to the pet’s drinking, feeding, toileting, and hygiene needs, and carefully follow the pet’s schedule.

Weekend or Holiday Pet Sitting Jobs – Ranges from overnight to several weeks in length. Depending on the type of pet, this may require pet sitting 24 hours a day or a set number of daily check-ins. Payment is calculated by the number of days the job is for. Demand peaks around Easter holidays, School Holidays, Public Holiday Long Weekends, Christmas Holidays, and New Year.