Do I need to lodge a tax return even if I earn below the tax free threshold?
Yes. If you have an ABN and you earn even $1.00 of business income, you have to lodge a tax return. Here's a short video on what the ATO says about the Tax Free Threshold and whether you have to lodge a tax return. Click to watch the video on the ...
Is Pet Sitting and Dog Walking a business or a hobby?
Am I running a Business or a Hobby? As a Pet Sitter in Australia, you need to be aware of any tax obligations you might have. Key questions to consider: Is the activity being undertaken for commercial reasons? Is your main intention, purpose or ...
Do I need an ABN?
Without an ABN, unless you provide us with a Statement by a Supplier, the ATO requires PetCloud to withhold 47% from your payments and remit them to the Tax Office. This is called the no-ABN withholding rule. Applying for an ABN is free. The Benefit ...
Do I need to be registered for GST?
The ATO says you should only register for GST if: your business or enterprise has a GST turnover (gross income minus GST) of $75 000 or more your non-profit organisation has a GST turnover of $150 000 per year or more you provide taxi or limousine ...
What are some examples of expenses I can claim as a Pet Sitter?
Read this article:
If I register a pet sitting business with the ATO, should I be a Sole Trader or a Company?
We can't give you taxation or entity structure advice, so head to the ATO website You may wish to call them on the Personal Tax Info Line 132 861 or the Small Business Info Line: 132 866. Also talk to your Accountant or a Tax expert. You can find ...
Do I pay taxes as a Sitter
Those who pet sit, dog walk, drive, house sit, house visit or act as Sitters on the PetCloud platform are classified as independent contractors. As an independent contractor, your taxes are not withheld by PetCloud and not withheld by the federal or ...