PetCloud | How do I cancel a Pet Owner's reservation?

How to cancel a booking with a Pet Owner

If you as a Pet Professional cancel a paid booking, you are required to immediately inform both
1) The Pet Owner and;
2) PetCloud Accounts Team & Support Team: and  about the reason for the cancellation of the Booking in writing so that we can contact the Pet Owner to find them another Pet Professional and or refund them.

We will remove Pet Sitters who are not reliable.  
Cancellations also impact our PetCloud brand, and can cost us money by losing the booking after we optimised and advertised to attract the Pet Owner to the site to get you the booking.  
A Pet Professional's listing is permanently deactivated if you cancel 2 bookings within 12 months.     If two paid bookings are cancelled within three months, PetCloud may suspend or remove the pet sitter's listing.   Cancellations affect your performance score and ranking:  What are Performance Scores?

PetCloud is not a lead generation site for Subcontractors.
Dishonesty is not tolerated, the Pet Owners we refer to Subcontractors, must continue to have all their services and extras booked via the platform, infinitely as per the Pet Professional Agreement you agreed to. 

Part of being a Sitter with PetCloud is being reliable and honouring your word. 
A reservation is a commitment to another member who is relying on you to take care of their beloved pet when they can't. It's important that you honour that commitment and don't take on other bookings for that period you said you could do the job.

Cancellations by Pet Sitters can be stressful, very inconvenient and incredibly  costly  for Pet Owners, potentially impacting in tens of thousands of dollars in hotel, airline and annual leave cancellations. On PetCloud, everything is decided by trust.

Update your calendar of availability every 2 weeks
Ensure your calendar of Availability on your Listing is kept up to date by blocking out dates you are not available.

Advanced warning
If, as a Pet Sitter, you cannot satisfy your obligations, you must make it known at least 14 days in advance to both the Pet Owner and then email the PetCloud Support Team, and we will work with the pet owner to find another sitter. 

Be reliable
Our emphasis on reliability creates a community where Pet Owners feel they can rely on Pet Sitters. The Pet Owner will be fully refunded.

How to cancel
Scroll down on the details of the booking and it is located at the very bottom of the booking.

Circumstances changed?

If you cancelled because you no longer offer Pet Sitting, please ensure you deactivate your listing so that you don't receive any more inquiries from time-poor Pet Owners: